Friday 11 March 2011

Ludlow Loves Pancakes

Residents in Ludlow have been celebrating Pancake Day in style thanks to the Love Food Hate Waste Campaign.  As Pancake Day marks the beginning of lent it seemed appropriate to launch an awareness drive around using up left over food and throwing less food away.

In the UK we throw away a staggering 8.9 million tonnes of food waste every year! Not only is this bad news for the environment but thats literally billions of pounds worth of food which then requires collection, treatment or disposal at taxpayers expense.  Shocking.

But there are simple solutions and the good news is that it can help people save money too.  By teaming up with Sunshine Radio the Love Food Hate Waste campaign were able to reach thousands of residents and offer them top tips on how to waste less food.

With a michelen-starred chef on hand to make the pancakes its fair to say that Ludlows reputation for good food was enhanced and hopefully the increased awareness will help to reduce the amount of rubbish which has to be dealt with from the area.

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