Monday 21 March 2011

Can I compost vegetable oil?

I often get asked this question beleive it or not.

Obviously vegetable oil, or indeed olive oil, butter, or animals fats are compostable technically in that they are of biological origin and so they are biodegradable and will therefore rot down, but my response to this is generally to discourage it.

In very small quantities e.g. if you have just wiped up with a paper towel and it has a little bit of grease on it, thats fine, this can be added to your compost heap and it will break down, but I wouldnt really recommend it.

In my opinion it is not sensible to add any cooking oil to your compost heap because its messy and greasy and there is a risk that it may attracts rodents or other undesireable creatures to your compost heap. On a technical point too oil can also displace water in a small compost heap and thus slow down the composting process.

There are also better things with you can do with it.

Small quantities of cooking oil or fat that’s gone solid at room temperature can be mixed up with porridge oats or bird seed to make a high calorie fat ball which is perfect for putting out for feeding garden birds in the winter.

You can also recycle used cooking oil, any type of animal or vegetable oils just by taking them (in a sealed container) to you local Council Household Recycling Centre. The cooking oil gets collected in big 1,000 Litre tanks and then collected and refined into a green biofuel to help make renewable energy which helps reduce CO2 emissions.

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