Friday 19 April 2013

Composting Dandelions

Dandelions (Taraxacum officinale) are a perennial weed with a long root that makes them difficult to remove from the soil.  If left unmanaged they can spread rapidly all over the garden and  so for this reason, most gardeners try to remove dandelions where they can normally by being hand-pulled or dug up, before they go to seed helps prevent them spreading. 

One of the questions we sometimes get asked by the public when attending events with Shropshire Master Composters - is whether or not to compost them.  

Well... as is so often the case - the answer is rarely black and white!

Dandelions in Compost thumbnail 

Benefits of Composting Dandelions

  • By adding dandelions into the compost you are adding minerals and nitrogen to the compost. When that compost is laid down or dug into the garden, the decomposed dandelions provide nutrients plants need to thrive. In addition composting dandelions reduces the need for garden waste collection and treatment and can help to reduce waste to landfill.

Disadvantages of Composting Dandelions

  • The problem is where dandelions are adding it is possible for them to take root and grow in the compost.   They can then go to seed and spread further. 

How to Compost Dandelions

  • First and foremost, dandelions should be pulled before they got to seed.  One of our volunteers recommended that if you are composting dandelions (or other perenial weeds) its even more important to get your compost heap really hot and you do that by a) adding a large quantity of waste at once and b) turning the pile over frequently - to fire up the bacteria and stimulate more hot rotting.  Another tip is to not just toss them in loose on top of the heap but try and get them into the center of the pile where its at its  hottest.  In this way you should make sure that any seeds are killed off by the temperature and dont spread around the garden again when you use the compost. 

    For more information visit 

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