Q: What foodstuffs should I avoid putting into the Wormery?
A: Whilst worms will eat meat and fish, we generally advise against it as it can get smelly quickly. You should though avoid using acidic foods such as citrus fruits. Other than that, pretty much all of your cooked and uncooked food waste can be added straight into a Wormery.
Q: My wormery produces so much rich black liquid, I dont know what to do with it?
A: You can keep adding it to your garden, just water it down 10:1 first. If you dont want it, give it away - it's one of the best organic feeds out there I guarentee most allotment groups will gladly take the stuff off your hands.
Q: My wormery is going all soggy and wet?
A: If the Wormery gets water logged, then this can cause problems for the worms. If the waste is looking wet then simply shred up some paper or cardboard and mix this thoroughly in. This will soak up the excess moisture and help aerate the material to keep your wormery healthy.
Q: I have zillions of tiny flies in the top of my wormery. Can I get rid of them?
A. Add lime mix and / or torn up cardboard to help reduce the acidity.
Q: Can you put pet hair in the wormery?
A: Yep, you most definitely can and you can put in human hair too.
Q. How much of my food waste will my Wormery cope with?
This will vary according to the size and capacity of the Wormery. The shop bought wormeries are sized appropriately to manage most of the food waste produced by a 'typical' family.
Q: How long does it take for the liquid feed to start coming through?
A: Typically within 10 - 12 weeks depending on the amount and type of food you're putting in and the time of year (or rather prevailing weather and temperature). Once the liquid starts to come through you should tap it off every fortnight, or I just leave the tap on with a plastic bottle underneath to catch the liquor.
Q: Do I need to dilute the liquid feed?
A: Yes, make sure you water it down with 10 parts water to one part worm juice. If you put the pure worm juice on plants it will do more harm than good as its very strong.
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