Christmas is almost upon us and as always it’s a great excuse to
over indulge ourselves with great food, the joys of present giving and partying
into the night!
the morning after can leave you with more than a headache when you look around you
at the debris and waste that the festivities have created. Rather than overfill
the dustbin and pile it up for the post Christmas collection, why not take the
environmentally friendly option and compost it. On average over 30% of domestic
waste is compostable and this percentage rises over the Christmas period.
Home composting reduces the amount of
waste sent to landfill, so to encourage households to give it a go the councils of Shropshire are offering cut-price compost bins from
only £16.98 (RRP £39) plus £5.49 delivery. For more details call 0844 571 4444 or look online at
If you already
compost your organic waste here are some great tips to help you keep a good
thing going over the Christmas period. You’ll be surprised how many Christmas
items can be composted.
your compost mixture more a-peel-ing! At
Christmas we always eat much more and produce more food waste than at any other
time of the year. Your
compost bin will really appreciate the peelings from your tasty winter
vegetables and festive fruits such
as Satsuma’s and Clementine’s
Warm up your worms! Wood ash from open fires can be put
into your compost bin; Let it cool right down first though, you don’t want to
cook the worms and other little critters working hard to produce compost for
your spring veg.
Give your mix a Christmas present! Plain wrapping paper (non
metallic/glossy/plastic/waxy) and gift tags can be scrunched up and added to
the mix, but if you do, make sure you add it gradually and mix with your fruit
and veg peelings to get the right balance. Cardboard packaging from Christmas
toys and gifts will add fibre and structure to your bin, as well as paper
napkins, Christmas crackers, inners and party hats! (But again, be careful not
to include anything metallic/glittery or made from plastic film).
Wish your Compost bin a Happy New Year! The remnants of your New Years Eve party will also
be a welcome addition to your compost bin. Nut shells, wooden cocktail sticks,
paper plates and some party food packaging. Natural corks can also be added but
will take longer to break down.
Twelfth Night! When the festivities have drawn to a close for another year, if there is
any room left in your compost bin you can add those natural home made
decorations, the holly and the ivy, mistletoe, paper chains and other
compostable decorations.