Monday 16 May 2011

Call to save water in your garden

Shropshire’s main water supplier Severn Trent is urging people to cut down on water use as reservoir levels were already 10 per cent lower than normal due to the recent mini-heatwave.

As keen gardeners we all know that its been incredibly dry of late but as keen composters we also know the importance of using compost to keep moisture into the soil.  Using compost in your soil adds moisture into the ground but it also helps lock in that moisture content.

You can also use rough compost, like bark chippings as a mulch around plants and this helps to minimise evaporation from the soil and so again will help with the water conservation.

The Council home composting scheme also has water butts available from the same supplier too and this is something which all green gardeners should seek to invest in. 


1 comment:

  1. We should save water everyday. Acting and taking responsibility in an environmental awareness activity is really an act that should be shared with others. I hope everyone will do the same and create a clean and green environment for the future generations. ISO 14000 Environmental can help people understand and be aware of different things to save the environment and conserving water. The environment is really important for the future generations and we should really make sure that we maintain and preserve every single element in it.
