Spring has sprung in sunny Shropshire and it's time to get composting. That's the message to the residents of Shropshire, Telford & Wrekin from volunteer group Shropshire Master Composters.
The group who work alongside the Councils of Shropshire and their contractors to promote more recycling in the county highlight recent analysis of the contents of general rubbish bins in Shropshire which proved that more than half of the waste we chuck out in the county could simply be composted at home.
Not only would this take the strain off of ever diminishing landfill sites but it could take dozens of lorries off the road and ultimately could save local taxpayers over £15,000,000 a year and help take the strain off of Council tax too. With ever rising costs for waste collection, treatment and disposal anyone can see that business case for home composting is simply overwhelming.
Home composting benefits you directly too. No more trips to the garden center to stock up on heavy and pricey bags of compost - you can DIY and make your own at home - so residents can keep millions of pounds a year more in their pockets too. What a stimulus for the local economy that could be.
Composting helps to make your garden more beautiful too. Composting all your green waste, paper, cardboard and vegetable peelings also returns important nutrients back into your garden, improves plant health and growth, helps soil structure and improves moisture retention.
For more information on composting and if you would like to order a home compost bin to get started please call 0845 130 60 90 or order online at www.shropshire.getcomposting.com
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