Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Love food hate waste awareness

Volunteers from Shropshire Master Composters have been out and about across the county promoting food waste prevention as part of the Love Food Hate Waste campaign. We have been supplied with some trainning and some great promotional items by the local authorities.  Some of us have linked into existing food events such as farmers markets or sometimes we just organise our own events to be more focused.

Generally our pitch is to engage people face to face initially asking them if they waste food at all.  Its amazing how many people deny ever wasting any food!  But when pressed and reminded of examples like after parties or weekends away people begin to recall that they are throwing food away. 

We try not to make people feel bad about this but to offer helpful practical advice and tips like how to store food in the fridge so it lasts longer.  We generally provide everyone we speak to with an advice leaflet and a range of recipe cards to encourage them to use up all their leftovers creatively.

Generally we are always positively received and the anecdotal evidence is that this is working, people are thinking about the issue at least now. These events help to reduce waste at source to avoid food ever becoming wasted in the first place which is the best environmental option and could save some families £50 a month on their shopping bills!

Of course though there is always some unavoidable food waste from non-edible things such as banana peel or olive stones and thats where we can also plug the important role of home composting

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