A recent report by a government-backed Taskforce has proven,
led by our partners at
Garden Organic has demonstrated the benefits to children who experience food
growing in England’s schools.
The Food Growing in Schools
report, led by Garden Organic alongside 25
members, including Morrisons Supermarket, Forestry Commission and the
Royal Horticultural Society highlights compelling evidence that proves
food growing in schools helps support children achieve, builds life and
employability skills, and improves their health and well-being.
proven the benefits of food growing, the Taskforce is now urging for
providers, society and business to come together to ensure that in
future every child is involved in food growing as part of their school
from the emphasis on improving learning, the Taskforce found that the
activity of growing food in schools also supported the acquisition of
life skills, including financial literacy and enterprise skills.
Interestingly communication and employment skills were also enhanced.
Signs for improved motivation and behaviour, for example arriving early
to school and leaving later, were found, as was increased attendance and
completion of homework, and less disruptive classroom behaviour.
of the report’s key findings is the evidence that proves school food
growing promotes good health through improved diet and nutrition and
better well-being through improved self-esteem and self confidence. 73%
of schools cited teaching children about nutrition as a motivation for
food growing, 68% for giving them skills for a healthy adult life and
33% for encouraging exercise. Evidence showed improved understanding of
food and nutrition, increased willingness to try fruit and vegetables
and increased consumption of fruit and vegetables, and school meals,
where food grown in school is incorporated into school catering were
also increased.
On the publishing of the Food Growing in Schools
report, Secretary of State Caroline Spelman said, “Growing fruit and veg
in schools is a great way for kids to learn more about where their food
comes from and what’s healthy, and that’s why the Government’s backed
this work. It shows that food growing can lead to children eating more
fruit and vegetables, valuing nature more, and improving their knowledge
of science. I hope this report will lead to more food-growing schools
and more children who are aware of where their food comes from.”
of the Taskforce, Garden Organic’s Myles Bremner, said, “For the first
time society, providers and business, all working with children and
schools, have come together and we’ve got robust evidence that supports
our work. We’re excited that getting children growing food has even
wider impact than we first thought, and these benefits for the child,
the environment and our communities are now clear for government, policy
makers, funders, and the schools involved to see. Our next challenge is
to build upon this momentum by working together to make it possible for
every school to become a food growing school.”
The Executive Summary,
and full Food Growing in Schools Taskforce report can be found at: