Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Newtown Seed Swap

Newtown Seed Swap – Feb 19th 2011

There is a great UK network: Seedy Sunday which encourages gardeners and growers to save seed and to swap them, and it is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. Of course it doesn’t have to be a Sunday, and volunteers from Shropshire Master Composters will be getting involved with the first Newtown community seed swap event on a Saturday, 19th Feb, as Cwm Harry Land Trust, Newtown, Wales from 10.30 am – 3.00 pm.


For all sorts of reasons SELLING saved seed is against the law, but swapping saved seed is encouraged, and even if you have none to swap yourself, you can always make a small donation, or agree to volunteer on our garden project in return for any you do take.

There is a UK national Heritage Seed Library, managed by Garden Organic which exists to conserve rare varieties of vegetables, but it is really important that all gardeners get involved in saving at least some of their own seed.

Why save seed? Lot of reasons really, here are a few good ones..
  • Saving money is an obvious reason – its all FREE!
  • Promoting biodiversity and local strains of seed
  • Conserving older varieties
  • Building links between local growers in the area
  • Building local food security
This informal event is free to enter, (donations accepted but not expected), we will be offering some talks on seed saving and growing techniques and offering tours of our community garden. There is lots to know about seed saving, some plants are really easy to save seed from and grow on the next year, whereas others need some specialist skill or attention for success.

So just come along on the day, no need to book!