Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Piggy composter

A wildlife garden and environmental education centre in Shrewsbury is reducing food waste and helping to raise awareness of composting thanks to a donation of a special new compost bin from the local council.

The "rolypig" compost bin ( http://www.rolypig.com/ ) aims to make composting fun for children and so get more people to try to compost their own waste at home saving money and the planet.  The pig shaped unit has a mouth to feed food scraps into and well a rear end for the browny earthy end product to come out of! 

The cylindrical nature of the container means that it can be rolled around so that compost inside becomes well mixed and aerated thus aiding decomposition.  Some of our volunteer Master Composters have adopted the bin and will be making sure it is well used.

The new compost bin was unveiled by local county councillor Miles Kenny (who represents the Abbey Foregate area in which the wildlife garden is based) accompanied by volunteers from Shropshire Master Composters and staff from Shropshire Wildlife Trust.